Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My First Day At Life Way!

Today was my first day as a Life Way employee! I was a little nervous, but more excited to meet new people and make a living. This is how my day went.
Before Jason came to pick me up, I got dressed in my Life Way uniform. My uniform is a maroon shirt with khaki pants, black belt, and nice brown dress shoes. Jason came to my house at 12:30pm. My mom took our picture and then we left. She was very proud. She said I looked handsome.

Jason was hungry and so we stopped at Wendy's. At Wendy's we decided to get Heather (the assistant manger) a chocolate frosty. We thought she would like a treat.

We arrived at Life Way at 1:15pm. I met Walker at the door. Walker is the regional manger for all of the Life Way stores at SBC seminaries. He was cool. He said he was happy to meet me and I said the same to him. I also met Joshua, the store manager. He is new just like me. Today was his first day. He seemed very nice.

After I met everybody, Heather and Dane (assistant mangers), helped me officially in the system. I now have a ID number and a password to log in for my time sheet. Jason also sat down with me and me with my schedule and list of responsibilities, i.e. my things to do. Then Jason showed me around the store and helped me understand the rules and way to do things. For example, when I put stock out on the floor, I must put it in the right section in alphabetical order by the authors last name. I think this is a good idea.

After Jason and I went around the store, we gathered all of the trash and took it to the dumpster. The trash was heavy to lift and the dumpster was really far away. It took us a long time to get there. I was glad when we were down with the trash.

The next thing we did was put stock out on the sales floor. Stock is just another name for the books we are selling. Jason showed me how to look at the back of the book at the price sticker to see what section it belongs. We then put them in alphabetical order by authors last name.

Finally, we went in the back room and clocked out at 3pm.

It felt good to work at Life Way. The people are very nice and friendly. I hope I do a great job and work there a very long time.